What is Pseudogynecomastia?

Pseudogynecomastia is the appearance of enlarged breasts in males due to excess fat accumulation in the chest area, often from factors such as weight gain, obesity, or hormonal imbalances. 

Pseudogynecomastia is caused by an increase in fat tissue, and is not to be confused with gynecomastia which is caused by an increase in glandular tissue.

As its main cause is excess weight, pseudogynecomastia can occur at any age. According to studies, it affects roughly 50% of men. Although there are no medical complications associated with it, it can severely affect self-esteem.

As the breasts enlarge, it can diminish the masculine appearance of the torso, leading to insecurities among men affected by the condition.

Pseudogynecomastia Treatment 

Traditionally, pseudogynecomastia has been addressed through invasive surgical procedures. These interventions typically involve surgical excision to remove excess fat tissue from the chest area.

Surgical excision involves cutting out the excess fat in cases where there is significant fat tissue present. Although surgeons carefully plan the incisions to minimise visible scarring and ensure natural-looking results, invasive surgery often leads to some noticeable scar tissue development. 

While these methods can be effective in reducing the appearance of enlarged male breasts, they come with risks and potential complications, such as infection, hematoma (collection of blood under the skin), seroma (fluid accumulation), and anaesthesia-related issues. 

Recovery from invasive surgery may also require significant downtime and discomfort, with patients typically needing to avoid strenuous activities and wear compression garments to support healing.

surgeons standing and working

Diet and Exercise 

A balanced diet and regular exercise are recommended to avoid the development of pseudogynecomastia, or to treat it in its mildest forms if it has already developed. Diet and exercise can help an individual lose weight and reduce fatty deposits all over the body, including the breast area.

While exercise can help reduce overall body fat, targeting specific areas for fat loss, like the chest, isn’t always straightforward. Individual body compositions vary, and some people may find it more challenging to lose fat in certain areas compared to others.

Motivation, access to resources, time constraints, and other personal factors can also all influence someone’s ability to exercise regularly.

While exercise can help with fat loss, it may not completely eliminate pseudogynecomastia for everyone.

Pseudogynecomastia Treatment with LipoDefineTM

LipoDefine is a laser system that uses laser-assisted liposuction to eliminate fat accumulations. Laser-assisted lipolysis is very similar to traditional liposuction but uses a thin laser fiber beneath the skin to target and eliminate fat deposits. 

LipoDefine is an advanced technology used for a less invasive, less traumatic treatment compared to traditional liposuction. 

Results with the LipoDefine are almost immediate, with the treatment time typically only taking 1 hour per session. 

How it Treats Pseudogynecomastia

Treatment with the LipoDefine begins by inserting a small, 1mm thick, cannula with a versatile, flexible laser fibre, through a small incision in the skin up to the adipose tissue. The LipoDefine diode laser then emits light at a wavelength of 1470nm, delivering power of up to 17W, which is optimal for addressing localised fat deposits across the body. It offers the flexibility to operate the device in either continuous or pulsed mode.

The laser fiber directs heat to emulsify and eliminate fat cells, disrupting the membrane of adipocytes, breaking down tissue, and inducing collagen coagulation. Simultaneously, the thermal impact coagulates small blood vessels, remodels collagen, and prompts skin tightening through contraction or retraction. This would not be possible with traditional surgery methods or liposuction.

Treatment Areas

This procedure is suitable for individuals of all skin types and ages. It is ideal for men with mild to moderate skin laxity or excess fat tissue who wish to reduce the appearance of enlarged breasts. 


Additional Treatments with LipoDefine

The LipoDefine system’s main use is for laser lipolysis – the minimally invasive cosmetic procedure designed to remove excess fat and contour specific areas of the body. This treatment is often performed under local anaesthesia, and the procedure typically requires minimal downtime, with many patients able to resume normal activities shortly afterwards.

This innovative technique offers a safe and effective solution for individuals looking to achieve a slimmer, more toned appearance with precise and natural-looking results.

The LipoDefine can also treat other conditions such as gynecomastia and suboccipital folds. Gynecomastia, as discussed previously, is the enlargement of breast tissue in males due to an increase in glandular tissue. It can result from hormonal imbalances, certain medications, underlying medical conditions, or genetics.

Suboccipital folds are fat deposits that can accumulate at the base of the skull, just above the neck. Suboccipital folds can sometimes be mistaken for a part of the neck or upper back, but they are distinct fat deposits that can contribute to the appearance of fullness or thickness in the area.

Additional Treatment Areas

LipoDefine can also be used to eliminate fat from the following areas:

  • Stomach
  • Neck area (double chin)
  • Arms
  • Buttocks
  • Internal area of the thighs
  • Knees and calves


Pseudogynecomastia presents both physical and psychological challenges for those affected. While traditional surgical interventions have been the go-to option for addressing this condition, they come with inherent risks and long recovery periods, including the development of visible scar tissue.

However, advancements in minimally invasive techniques, such as laser-assisted lipolysis with LipoDefine, offer a promising alternative. With its ability to provide natural-looking results and enhance self-confidence, LipoDefine represents a significant advancement in the field of aesthetic medicine, offering individuals a safe and effective solution to achieve their desired body contouring goals. Contact us for any further questions you may have to help transform your patients – and your clinic.